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» Taking a Mulligan
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Taking a Mulligan with Your Visual Enterprise System

Reimplementing Visual Manufacturing is like having the opportunity to take a Mulligan on the golf course.

Just like golf, sometimes it makes sense to take another swing at your Visual Enterprise implementation. Chances are good that your team has learned many new things about your business and Visual since you did the original implementation many years ago. It is also likely that significant aspects of your business have changed.

"If I had it all to do over again, I would do most all things differently. However, how would I know that if I had not had the opportunity to do them the first time?”
-- Janice Markowitz

All of those are good reasons for reexamining your use of Visual Enterprise. Reimplementation is not just about creating a new database, loading it and going on. When done properly reimplementation is a second chance to get it right. Using the accumulated wisdom of your team, self-knowledge of their mistakes and successes, and the perspective of an outsider like me; you have an opportunity for substantial gains from reimplementation.

My reimplementation method examines:

  • All of your processes that utilize Visual.
  • Processes that should utilize Visual, but don’t.
  • Your organization’s readiness to sustain change and improvement.
  • How data is being entered into the system.
  • Attitudes towards Visual Enterprise by your departments and teams.
  • How data currently contained in the system is being used.
  • How data from a revised system could be used to better facilitate decision making.
  • Ownership of various aspects of Visual.
  • Data to be transferred to the new implementation.

I have helped many of my customers reimplement Visual. I am Kurt B. Carr and I have years of experience in teaching companies how to use Visual Enterprise as a tool to operate effectively and achieve success. Call (941.776.3830) or email me today to take a mulligan with your Visual Enterprise system.

I can help...

  Carr Enterprises is not affiliated with Infor Global Solutions.

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  Copyright © 2000 - 2025 by Kurt B. Carr Enterprises, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Contact Kurt Carr at:   or:    941.776.3830